November 18, 2015

Funky Characters


Summer War Machines

Oddballs+Sabertooth Swordman fanart!


Spaghetti Meatballs

November 16, 2015


Some recent-ish ink sketches done for myself or various projects.
Still partial to the scratchy sounds of nib on paper.

Ant dude

Korn-On The Kobb

Lizard Monk

Boob Window

Can't believe i get payed to draw this stuff


You can find lots more of this kind of thing on my INSTAGRAM profile.

Also, does anyone still use blogs anymore at all or has everyone moved to tumblr?
I have no idea what kids are into these days.


November 14, 2015

Still at it!

Kowalski Gas Station 


More rusty stuff


Looks like a whole YEAR has passed since my last update on the blog!
Must (?) try and catch up!

April 16, 2014

More Inkwash!

Kaptain Komodo (SOLD)


Alley Cat (SOLD)

More experimenting with sepia inkwash!

January 28, 2014

Block 109: S.H.A.R.K.

Cover by Ronan Toulhoat
On my way to the Angoulème International Comics Festival, the largest comic festival in Europe!

I will be doing "dèdicaces" at the Akileos Editions stand for the release of "S.H.A.R.K." the latest spin-off episode of the Block 109 universe created by Vincent Brugeas and Ronan Toulhoat, so if you're in the area stop by and grab yourself a copy!

holy shit

It's my first french published "BD" and i'm super excited!

It's a 58 page, large format, full color, hardcover book that i've worked on for the last year set in an Australian POW camp. It involves Nazis getting beaten up, hell's angels marines, a lot of dust but quite surprisingly, NO ACTUAL SHARKS. Crazy french people!

It's been very challenging but i feel like i've learnt quite a bit from the experience, i'm quite proud and i can't wait to get back to work on the series!

Script by Vincent Brugeas.
Layouts, cover and intro pages by Ronan Toulhoat.
Colors by Giusy Gallizia.
Pencils by me!

Here's some random panels from the book!

Dust, a lot of dust everywhere.
Worth, you smartass!
Worth getting smacked in the face
Worth, you smartass! (2)
Desert Nazis
Worth punching back!
One of those days.
I sense incoming slaps in the face!
*Mickey Mouse march*

See you in Angoulème!


"TORO" Armored Dune Buggy
I like drawing rusty, beat-up post-apocaliptic vehicles, and dinosaurs are universally recognized as cool, so i though i'd mix the two things together.

I've recently gotten into military model kit building and it's ton of fun as well as really useful to build up my "bits" mental library. Just browsing through a model catalog is super inspiring to me.
These are also an experiment to try and develop a couple of concepts built around the same theme, and a way to practice mixing my traditional drawings with digital coloring.

"T-RAX" Chopper
"RAPTOR" Walker

January 20, 2014


Practicing colors.
My ideal world includes diesel-powered engines, deserts, rusty robots, aliens and robots.